Bruno Faidutti:
Bruno Faidutti has been creating board and card games for almost forty years. He often works together with other designers, sometimes well known figures, sometimes newcomers like Camille Mathieu, the co-designer of TrollFest. His designs are usually relative light, often focusing on bluffing and double guessing. Bruno’s best known offerings are Citadels, Incan Gold or Mascarade, but if you want really crazy stuff you should go for Maracas and Kamasutra.
Bruno is also a historian, and actually the world specialist on Unicorns - he wrote his PhD about the debate on the existence of unicorns from the late Middle Ages to the XIXth century. Designing games is his day-job, but as a hobby he also teaches economics and sociology in a Parisian high-school.
Bruno has two blogs. The one about boardgames (is in both English and French, but the one about unicorns is French only.
We are absolutely thrilled to be publishing two incredible games from Bruno, with our first release, Troll Fest.