Christopher ZephroPresident

A lifetime passion for Halloween and Halloween masks led Chris Zephro to his dream of owning a Halloween based business.After a five year friendship with Chris’s favorite Mask Sculptor and Designer, Justin Mabry, Chris had the artistic force to make the company possible.Together with the help of our friends and support of our family, Trick or Treat Studios was born.

Prior to starting Trick or Treat Studios, Chris earned his MBA from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and spent 20+ years in Corporate America, doing everything from Operations Management to Marketing to Finance to ending his career in Corporate America by running the Supply Chain Organization for Seagate Technology.

Chris is a recognized expert in the field of Process Management and is a Principle Master Black Belt in Six Sigma Quality Improvement, a LEAN Master in LEAN Operations Management and is one of the top experts in Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints Management.All of Chris’s skills are employed everyday to make Trick or Treat Studios the best run Costume and Collectables Company in the industry.

Artist Collection

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